Casas do Barlavento (Western Houses) born in 2003 with just 2 sales consultants, 1 admin member in an office in Lagos, in the Algarve. Casas do Barlavento Lda has since grown to 3 offices with 10 sales team members and 8 admins dedicated to Rentals and Property Management. In addition, 2 resorts and numerous condominiums throughout the area as well as the award winner and sister company for the past 7 years –, that is one of largest management companies in the Western Algarve. The company has gone from strength to strength over the years and has come through the tough times stronger than ever, still with space to learn more and be the best it can be.
The tagline “One stop shop” has proven to be the motto that sums up what Casas do Barlavento is all about. “The partnerships created along the years and the satisfied clients that continue to trust in our commitment to provide the best possible service makes life a lot easier and for that we are thankful”, mentioned Luís Ledo, Managing Director of Casas do Barlavento.
“We are celebrating 15 years with the dedication to achieve another 15 stronger and committed to our clients”, adds the Managing Director.
Casas do Barlavento is proud to offer an all-in-one service with multilingual staff dedicated to the needs of the clients, in the area of real estate, property management, and rental properties, in the Western Algarve.