If you think that nothing happens in the Algarve during the winter, think again! These cold months are great for those who are thinking about buying a property. Therefore, Casas do Barlavento have some tips on how to make your listing stand out:
· Warm house means a happy home - You have to create a sense of welcoming warmth and this is not possible with a chilly house. When you know of an inspection visit, prepare the heaters. If the property is vacant, keep the heater on a timer so that it is perfect during the showing times.
· Lighting is a must - Having a warm house is important, but having it well lit in these dark winter months is a double win. A well-lit room helps create the right ambience, and this is easily accomplished with some lamps.
· Highlight your home features - It is relatively easy to sell a home in the Algarve in the summer months as it is a sun and beach destination. However, if you want to sell your house in the winter, you have to highlight the features that make your home a cozy place in this season. As an example, a small investment in soft cushions, rugs and blankets to lay on the sofa or as bed decoration will make a difference.
· Create a different perspective - To help potential buyers see beyond this season, have a few photos of your property view taken in the summer, on display (flowery gardens, a sunny day on the balcony, etc.)
Are you thinking of selling your home? No need to wait until Spring. A Casas do Barlavento consultant can explain how the seasons affect real estate sales and advise you on how to take advantage of this to sell your property more quickly.